Make & Do – This is what I’ve decided to do

In the spirit of Halloween I’ve decided to create an interactive scary Pumpkin!


This idea came to me through a combination of my previous “personal space defender” idea and a toy that my younger sisters used to own – a motion detector eyeball that you can record your voice on and it shouts at you as you walk past.

My plan is to buy a pumpkin, a battery powered motion sensor or perhaps a distance sensor, a custom recordable buzzer and some Flashing LEDs or even chainable Smart Neo Pixel RBG LEDs  for control over multiple LEDs using only one wire.

After connecting all of the components together I will carve out the pumpkin and place them inside.  When someone walks past the pumpkin the motion sensor will complete the circuit and the lights will start flashing along with the sounding of the buzzer – I plan to record something spooky onto the buzzer. I may use a recordable sound module used in greetings cards to record my sound – hopefully it will be loud enough. If not, I will find something louder.

I hope to purchase a foam carvable pumpkin for this project to prevent any of my components from getting wet.

Result: A thoroughly spooked trick-or-treater.

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